Jul 032024

Well, this is kind of a weird one. But most of the systems I run are Linux-based, and over the years I have ‘developed’ a simple script that I run from my main workstation which iterates through all of the systems applying updates.

As non-interactively as possible – it could even be scheduled to run automatically (although I don’t for no good reason).

But it had one great weakness – it didn’t update my Windows 11 virtual machine. Which wasn’t a serious problem because Windows could and did update itself. But it did result in software installed with winget getting left behind.

So I sorted it …

  1. Install OpenSSH server on Windows: PS: Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Server (this might need the version number which is best obtained using Get-WindowsCapability -Online | Where-Object Name -like ‘OpenSSH*’.
  2. Copy your chosen ssh authentication public key into c:\users\${username}\.ssh\authorized_keys file.
  3. Configure c:\programdata\ssh\sshd_config to permit public key authentication (“PubkeyAuthentication yes”).
  4. Whilst in the same file, comment out the section with the line beginning “Match Group administrators” which whilst makes things less secure did at least work! The section does refer to a file: c:/ProgramData/ssh/administrators_authorized_keys but adding to this file didn’t seem to work for me.
  5. Verify that the daemon is running: PS: get-service -name sshd
    • If it shows as not running, enable with: PS: set-service -name sshd -startuptype ‘automatic’
    • And either reboot, or start it manually: PS: start-service -name sshd
  6. At this point you should be able to login with a simple ssh username@hostname command. If not you’ve either left something out, or I have!

At this point you should be able to run the relevant update commands :-

  1. ssh username@hostname UsoClient ScanInstallWait. Operating system updates which may or may not work, so I wouldn’t disable the automatic updates at this point.
  2. ssh username@hostname winget upgrade –all. This updates additional software (something I’ve called “layered products” in the past) installed via winget (or the Microsoft “Store”. This can sometimes stop with a mysterious error but should usually work.

No guarantees with this sort of thing!

Peering At Each Other
Jul 022024

The Tories (and occasionally others) are currently banging on about the dangers of a Labour “supermajority” without defining what it is.

Of course there is no such thing as a “supermajority” in the House of Commons – a vote passes (or fails) when it gets more votes in favour. Whether that vote gets a majority of one or 100 is irrelevant.

There is a danger with a huge majority though; a lesser danger than allowing the Tories to remain in government or even opposition. But a danger never the less.

A huge majority allows a government to pass laws with less risk than would otherwise be the case. Every so often we head of MP “rebellions” when MPs of the government’s party vote against that government’s wishes.

When a government wishes to pass a law that is on the extremes, they are more likely to encounter a rebellion. And a rebellion was more likely to succeed if the majority is slim.

Thus with an overwhelming majority, the government has a better chance of getting more extremist legislation through and into law.

Filthy Roaring Beasts Rushing Along The Scar
Jun 302024

The funny thing is that this post is not about window tiling but about conventional tiling window managers that to a great extent are “do it yourself” window managers. That is they kind of expect you to do a lot of configuration yourself.

This is not about specific tiling window managers even though I use Awesome and Hyprland.

Tiling vs Floating

In the earliest days of gooeys, windows tended to be tiled so that they didn’t overlap; if you added a new window to the screen, the existing windows would shrink to make room for the new window.

So-called (at least in tiling window managers) “floating” windows were hailed as a brilliant new feature where windows were independent and could overlap. Cool right?

And this is certainly the way that most conventional gooeys work – from Windows, MacOS, and even Linux, they all support floating windows by default. On the other hand, tiling window managers support tiling by default (most will support floating windows as well).

So why would you want to go back to the dawn of gooeys? And it is not just us weird geeks running minimalist window managers looking at tiling – many mainstream desktop environment have tiling features.

It maximises screen real-estate by automatically sizing windows so the whole desktop is covered. I can remember carefully dragging windows to resize them to maximise their size with conventional ‘floating’ window managers. Something that now happens automatically.


So tiling can be done with conventional desktop environments – some of which allow support for tiling. KDE has Bismouth; GNOME has the Tiling Assistant, and even Windows has options. Now a tiling window manager does treat tiling as a first class feature, that’s not really why those who prefer them like them.

No, it’s the minimalism and customisation.

Most desktop environments carry with them lots of bonus features – which is fine for most. But if you don’t need those features and/or want to do things in a different way, then a full desktop environment isn’t what you want.

And tiling window managers tend to be minimalistic; even to the extent that some do not include a status bar requiring an optional status bar to be installed. The default configuration (if any) tends to be minimalistic requiring lots of tinkering to get the most out of it.

Which is a positive feature for tinkerers if a negative feature for those who just want to be up and running. But tinkering whilst it takes time, does tend to product a more productive environment – for example my Hyprland configuration includes a custom key binding to grab IP addresses and URLs from a highlighted section of the screen (and optionally “defangs” safely specified dangerous URLs which give you a hint about what I do).

Picture of a Raven
Who Are You Looking At?
Jun 302024

… is excessively exaggerated.

Sure, it looks likely that the Tories will lose the election and quite possibly at a scale even worse than the 1906 election. Much as I like the idea, the likelihood of them being forced into third place is perhaps rather remote.

The key to the Tories’ failure is their Brexit-induced lurch to the right – both in terms of economic policy and in terms of “cultural” policy. They’re not only lurched to the right, but looking at their lack of popularity have doubled-down and gone further right.

The problem (without regard to the stupid viciousness of right-wing policies) is that not every Tory voter is happy with the far right lurch. The Tory supporters always used to be a collection of folk varying from those just right of centre all the way through to goose-stepping full on fascists. The ones closer to the centre than fitting in with the crew with the smart uniform fetish, are currently homeless.

This can best be seen amongst the young where support amongst the 18-24 aged folk is as low as 1%.

The funny thing is that the worse their defeat, the more likely they are to start fixing things. They actually need to be forced into third place. Anything less and they will likely carry on the same path they’re currently on. Which in the end may very well result in them being placed third at the next election; or worse (especially if proportional representation is brought in).

And even if the result is bad enough to spend a long time reconsidering and rebuilding, if they let the extreme right-wingers (of whatever kind) and corrupt spivs retain control, then they won’t get anywhere near power ever again.

No, they need to return to the centre. Rebuild support amongst traditional conservatives who amongst other things respect honesty and probity. Those conservatives (lower case “c”) will go somewhere – either a reconstituted Tory party or a new party.

But death? Well it is possible, but there have been previous incidents of parties being reduced to what the Tories will likely be reduced to – the Liberal party for example. Whilst the modern Liberal Democrats isn’t the same party as the old Liberals, the later did last into the modern era (well, the 1980s).

So if anything being beaten into third place next week, may actually be the best outcome for the Tory party. At least if they mend their ways.

Old Metal 3
Jun 112024

Given the amount of noise and flames that have arisen over this debate, it seems kind of unnecessary to describe the debate, but might as well. If you were a woman, what would you rather encounter whilst lost in the woods? A man or a bear?

If you ignore all the emotions involved and think about it logically with statistics, you may well come down on the side of picking a man.

There’s a study “out there” which shows that for every 1,000 women, “only” 4.7 will be attacked (and it’s 9.5 for men) – see https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/vvcs9310.pdf. There is plenty of evidence that women are far more likely to be attacked by a man they know rather than a stranger – See :-

  1. https://rapecrisis.org.uk/get-informed/statistics-sexual-violence/. 1 in 7 rapes against women are carried out by a stranger (it’s stated as 6 in 7 rapes are carried out by someone a woman knows).
  2. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/articles/homicideinenglandandwales/yearendingmarch2023. Of murdered women, just 6% were murdered by strangers (as opposed to nearly 20% for male victims).

We are very poor at judging risk – we (women and older men – which I’m rapidly becoming) tend to stay in at night not because we’re likely to be attacked but because we fear being attacked. And fear doesn’t respect logic.

So women widely choosing the bear shows :-

  1. On average women are no better at judging risk than men. Well that’s a no-brainer – people are still people.
  2. Women fear strange men. It’s irrelevant if statistically they’re safer walking around late at night than sat in their own home, they still fear men.
  3. To a greater or lesser extent (and perhaps unintentionally), they may be picking the bear to make the point about men doing something about violence against women.

It’s a great way of making that last point; perhaps even better for being statistically the wrong choice. We should be doing more to stop violence against women.

But I would go on to say we shouldn’t stop there; we should be doing more to stop violence against all people. And indeed any sentient creatures.

Who Are You Looking At?