Jun 092024

So on Friday my workstation blew up … which goes some way to explaining why this server has been down for much of the weekend (it’s a container on my workstation). The operating system boot drive magically went read-only – which as some of us know is a clear indication that an SSD is on its last legs. Or a few steps beyond.

So I re-installed on a new drive, and for various reasons I chose Ubuntu Server again. An upgrade which made things a bit more interesting.

Now whilst I know that most servers are installed in ways other than interactively, but the interactive experience is bloody awful.

For a start, if the text console is a ridiculous large size – perhaps $COLUMNS is greater than 160, then change the bloody console font. It may be a rare case that someone is installing Ubuntu server on a screen where the resolution is so high, but it can (and in my case does) make the text far too small to read.

And secondly, do something about the logical volume manager creation; I wanted to create a logical volume with a name other than “ubuntu-vg” (the old drive was still readable and creating two VGs with the same name struck me as a dumb idea). The default method didn’t seem to offer a way to rename the VG; the custom method kept giving me an installation error.

The later could possibly be my mistake – I was reduced to using a magnifying glass.

And yes everything is working now.

But sort out that installer!

In The Crack
May 262024

Way back when the Tories got into power (2010), they had a bit of a cheer-a-thon when austerity measures were announced. I said at the time that even if austerity was necessary (and it probably wasn’t), it wasn’t the sort of thing to cheer about.

We’ve since seen the effect of their austerity fetish taking effect on our public services – NHS waiting lists grown out of all proportion, trouble filling public-sector vacancies, pot-holes in the roads, libraries closed left, right, and centre.

Even if it were necessary, the initial cheering tells us everything we need to know about Tories. They don’t give a damn about most of us – they would rather cut taxes for their rich pals.

So remember when you vote – the Tories aren’t on your side.

A long road to the gatehouse
Dover Castle Gateway
May 252024

Voting doesn’t change much of anything, so why bother? Particularly with our present voting system (FPTP) which tends to favour establishment parties. Which is particularly off-putting to those voters who want to see real change. Which probably consists of mostly young voters plus a few weird old farts (like me).

And we need real change :-

  1. We need to reform the voting system away from a system that effectively disenfranchises the majority who don’t vote for the incumbent MP in a constituency. If you look past the “sexy news” in an election where seats change from Tory to Labour or Labour to Tory, a massive number of seats stay passively with the incumbent. That’s not good. Particularly when the majority of voters went for someone other than the winner – if you look at Wycombe, in 2019 the Tory winner had 45% of the vote; the others added together came to 55% of the vote.
  2. Taxation needs to be reformed to be fairer and less evenly distributed (i.e. the rich should pay more – and I’m one of the “rich” relatively speaking as I’m a higher rate tax payer). Close loopholes that allow the rich and companies to avoid paying their fair share of tax.

Are any of the mainstream parties likely to do these reforms (although I’ve only listed 2, I could go on for so long that both of us would fall asleep)? Of course not. Labour might tinker with tax a bit and they might have a look at voting reform.

But which one is the worse?

Vote against the one that’ll probably be the worse. Is that negative? Sure it is, but with the present system it’s the best we can manage.

And voting only takes 30m. So vote!

Tactical Voting

If you are currently in a constituency represented by a bloated Tory, who do you vote for to get them out?

You could just pick the party that you prefer, but if you vote Labour and all the pissed off Tory voters all vote LibDem, you may well find that the Tories win by default. A tactical vote may be of more use.

Visit https://stopthetories.vote in a week or two to see where your vote would most usefully be dropped to get the Tories out. Be very, very wary of other sites; not all will be using the best analytics to come up with a prediction. Some may even be stealth Tory “tactical voting” sites intended to sabotage tactical voting.

Don’t feel good about tactical voting rather than voting for your preferred party? Well, don’t. Just bear in mind that you could end up with a Tory as a result.

The Evil One
Apr 172024

Well that was interesting …

So I decided to upgrade the firmware on my ASRock TRX50 WS motherboard tonight. Partially because I had planned on trying it to sort out a mysterious crashing problem (which turned out to be the world’s worst SATA SSD ‘error’), and partially because I’d like to make sure I know how the process works. And funnily enough, finding ASRock’s instructions aren’t so simple.

The first really rather obvious step is to download the firmware from the ASRock support site. This comes down as a ZIP file, which needs to be unpacked :-

  • TRX50-WS_9.03.ROM

This needs to be copied to a USB stick formatted as FAT32, but whilst you’re checking that make sure that the partition type is set to an appropriate value (0x0b is the value I used; the second time), because it turns out that the ASRock firmware won’t recognise a FAT32 filesystem just based on the actual filesystem – it checks the partition types.

But before you shut down and start the upgrade process, record any firmware settings you may have made … for better or worse, the upgrade will reset any changes you have made.

Starting the upgrade is fairly simple – go into Setup, move across to Tools and select the “Instant Flash” option. This will pop up a menu of different firmware version files it has found that are compatible with your motherboard. Select the version you want (in my case it was just one option), and press Return.

After a warning, it’ll start the upgrade process; this consists of :-

  1. A progress bar which slowly progresses to 100%
  2. A reboot which takes you back into the firmware.
  3. A second progress bar which also progresses slowly.
  4. At some point when this has finished, it’ll just sit there for a few minutes and finally start booting with the new firmware.

Of course in my case, the settings reverting to default values resulted in the SlimSAS controllers both being reset to “NVME” rather than “SATA” meaning half my storage array wasn’t present! But it all worked in the end :-

✓ root@pica» dmidecode -s bios-version

Of course ASRock claim you only do a “BIOS Upgrade” (I hate that word “BIOS” – it’s not really appropriate) when it is absolutely necessary, but an upgrade when it isn’t necessary isn’t a bad idea. Just to get practice.

It should be noted that the firmware should be update-able with fwupdmgr so any urgent updates may well come via that route.

The Missing Sign
Apr 062024

Just came across someone today who wasn’t aware of the “BCC” (Blind Carbon Copy) header, and was wondering how an email reached her when her address wasn’t in the “To” header. It’s all too easy to laugh at people who somehow missed learning this stuff, but how often does email get taught these days?

Headers Are Just Comments

Well that heading is a bit of an exaggeration but it’s a helpful exaggeration. It is perhaps more accurate to say the headers are hints to the underlying software. There is a chain of software “under the hood” that takes the email you have composed in some kind of email client (which includes a web mail interface which is the most common way these days), formats it into a suitable format for a “mail transport agent” which then determines the “mail transport agent” is closest to the recipients and sends it there.

You -> Mail client -> Your MTA -> Recipient’s MTA

In terms of headers that you populate to instruct that chain where emails should go, there is :-

  • The “To” header which is what is most commonly used.
  • The “Cc” (“carbon copy” – an archaic reference) header which allows you to specify additional recipients, but it implies that the additional recipients are included as a courtesy (“You might want to see a copy of this for information.”).
  • The “Bcc” (“Blind carbon copy” ) header, which allows you to specify additional recipients but when your client transfers your email to the mail transfer agent it will add the recipients to the “envelope” (which we will explain shortly) but remove the header.

There are two reasons for using “Bcc”. One is basic politeness – if you are sending to a lot of addresses, the recipients will see that header and it can take up valuable screen real estate distracting from the content of the email. The second is security – if you are sending an email to lots of third-party contacts it may well be appropriate (and even required) to hide their addresses from each other. Not everyone wants their relationship with an STD clinic to be “public”!

The “Envelope”

When a client communicates with the mail transport agent, it will use something called SMTP (simple mail transport agent) which is very simplistic and the MTA does not look at the contents to determine anything (or rather it does not need to; some do especially if they do anti-virus scanning) :-

Connected to peach.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 zonky.org ESMTP Exim 24.12 Sat, 06 Apr 2024 09:57:50 +0100
helo pica
250 zonky.org Hello pica.zonky.org [2001:8b0:ca2c:dead::b000]
mail from:<some-forged-address@zonky.org>
250 OK
rcpt to:<address1@zonky.org>
250 Accepted
rcpt to:<address2@zonky.org>
250 Accepted
354 Enter message, ending with "." on a line by itself
The email appears here including mail headers
250 OK id=1rt1ts-0001k8-MM
221 zonky.org closing connection

That is a forged SMTP transaction with certain details changed. The important bits are in bold which are what your mail client would use to communicate with the mail transport agent. As you can see they are simple enough to be “faked” by a person. There is a great deal of trust going on here – far too much for the modern age – but there are additional controls in place to make forging things somewhat harder than this would imply.

The key commands are as follows :-

  1. mail from:<some-forged-address@zonky.org>: This specifies the address the email is apparently from. Normally this would be a setting in your mail client (whether you can change this or not), but there is nothing here to stop you setting any address you want. Although there are almost always additional controls in place to make this harder.
  2. rcpt to:<address1@zonky.org>. This specifies what email address the email should go to. It is usually pulled from the headers you filled in whether that was the To, CC, or BCC headers. At this stage there is no difference. However you can put in addresses that don’t appear in the email at all.
  3. data. This is where your mail client copies the email that has been composed including all the headers. It will remove the “BCC” header and add some additional ones (such as “Date”). This body may or may not be examined by the mail transport agent; it isn’t necessary to send the email onwards.

So the mail transport agent now has the necessary information it needs to route your email to the required destinations – without looking inside the body. Which is analogous to a letter – the Royal Mail doesn’t open your letter to see where it needs to go, they will just use the address on the envelope.

And so we have the explanation for an email envelope – it is the addresses specified in the SMTP transaction allowing the mail transport agent to route email without looking at the contents. In normal circumstances the mail transport agent for the recipient will discard the envelope before it is placed in the recipient’s mailbox.

Opening The Envelope

Just like real post where you have to trust that nobody along the route between the original writer and the recipient will open the envelope to peruse the contents, the same applies to email. Which all the ‘agents’ along the path can normally be trusted, there is nothing to stop a rogue agent examining the contents of email – whether that’s a snoopy system administrator, an employer with an overly suspicious nature, or law enforcement.

Which explains why it is strongly advisable not to use email for anything secret; or to investigate encrypting emails.

Rusty Handrail
Rusty Handrail