Jul 132012

This morning I caught a news item on breakfast TV about the results of a survey carried out by the BBC into the opinions of people into the effects of the Olympics on the UK. I was particularly interested in the part where it claimed that most people are yet to get “enthused” by the Olympics. Which is quite a common theme – every so often one media group or another goes out to find that people really aren’t that bothered by the upcoming Olympics.

Perhaps the media is made up of excitable types but they make the mistake of assuming that people who are not excited by the Olympics in advance of the events will not be excited whilst the events are taking place. I don’t know how everyone else reacts, but I tend not to get excited by events that are happening 6 months away, or next week. Even if they are fantastically exciting whilst they are happening.

The time to decide if the Olympics has been a positive thing or not is after the Olympics.