May 172011

This is going to be grossly insufficient for anyone trying to learn R (a wonderfully powerful statistical package … although the “stats” part of that may be my inner statistician). This is merely a set of commands I tend to use myself on the rather too rare occasions when I need R.

R is started with “R” at the command-line … of course (although “r” does something quite different).

Loading Data

If you have a file formatted like :-

number1 number2
number3 number4

Then this can be read into a “variable” with :-

> Data <- read.table("filename.dat")

If it is convenient to add column names into the file to give presentable names later on, then do so and tell R that there are headers :-

> Data <- read.table("filename.dat", header=TRUE)

Whilst R has plenty of control about how to read data … far more than I need at least, it may be easiest to munge your input data into the above format if you are more comfortable with the command-line. You can see how R has imported your data with :-

> names(Data)
[1]: "header1" "header2"

Later when it comes to doing something with the actual data, you can access the relevant “vector” with Data$header1. But hopefully you will choose more meaningful names!

Stats Summary

To produce a summary of a vector :-

> summary(vector)
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   1249    6938   18900   16210   24100   30840


This section needs a lot of expansion. But to graph two variables … essentially one being a value at a particular time and the other being the time :-

plot(v1, v2, xlab="Horizontal label", ylab="Vertical label", main="Title")

This will draw the graph onto the default device – which is normally the main X11 display. If you want to change the output, you need to choose an alternate device. For a PNG file :-

(Redo the plot you're happy with)