May 022015

I have recently been upgrading my Linux containers from Debian wheezy to jessie, and each time have encountered a problem preventing the container from booting. Or rather as it turns out, preventing the equivalent of init from starting any daemons. Which is systemd of course.

Now this is not some addition to the Great Systemd Debate (although my contribution to that debate may well arrive someday), but a simple fix, or at this stage a workaround (to use the dreaded ITIL phrase).

The fix is to re-install the traditional SystemV init package replacing the new systemd package. This can be done during the upgrade by running the following at the end of the usual process :-

apt-get install sysvinit-core

Of course you will probably be reading this after you have encountered the problem. There are probably many ways of dealing with the situation after you have tried rebooting and encountered this issue, but my choice is to run the following commands from what I tend to call the "global container" :-

chroot ${container root filesystem}
apt-get install sysvinit-core

As mentioned before, this is not a fix. And indeed the problem may be my own fault – perhaps it doesn't help having the "global container" still running wheezy. Perhaps there are some instructions in the Debian upgrade manual that details some extra step you should run. And of course by switching back to System V init, we are missing out on all of the systemd fun.

Apr 252015

So for ages I've been having these mysterious slow downs in connecting to some of my internal servers. A few seconds, but once connected things are working normally.

And of course I kept putting off having a look into the problem, because firstly I'm lazy, secondly there are other more interesting things to look at, and thirdly I'd already discounted the obvious (actually I'd "fixed" it but made certain assumptions). But it's finally time to have a look.

Now I said I'd earlier discounted the obvious but decided to have a look any way. The thing to remember is that when you connect to a server it almost always performs a DNS lookup on your network address, so a mysterious slow down could well indicate that DNS resolution is to blame. You could perform diagnostics to determine what the problem is, but in all the decades I've been solving issues with computers whenever a mysterious slow down has occurred when connecting over the network, then the problem has almost always been the DNS resolver.

Taking a look at /etc/resolv.conf on the relevant server (a Linux container), and I find the file has a nameserver within it that was retired several weeks ago! Fixing that solved the issue.

Lessons learnt :-

  1. Just because you have a centrally distributed /etc/resolv.conf that is automatically installed on all your home network doesn't mean to say that it is always automatically installed. My Linux containers don't get that centrally distributed file (which had been corrected!).
  2. Don't assume that it's not the obvious even if you have reasons for thinking it couldn't possibly be the obvious (see #1).


Mar 072015

So there I was, wandering down the street thinking about :-

  1. Sometimes being unable to remember custom key sequences that I've configured.
  2. That my "Help" button on my keyboard was unused.

And I thought that it would be fun to knock up a little application that would pop up a window and show a file. Then I got real, and realised that the application was already written and allowed fancy formatting of the help file(s) – it's called a browser.

Now for a whole bunch of reasons, you probably don't want to use a full blown browser, but something a little simpler and without any fancy controls, and I plumped for dilloTurns out that the "-f" flag turns off the fancy menu and toolbar, so what I needed was to persuade my window manager (Awesome) to run it when I pressed "Help" :-

	awful.key({ }, "Help", function () awful.util.spawn("dillo -f /home/mike/lib/help-files/index.html") end))

If you need help adding that to your Awesome configuration file, you're in the wrong place!

And of course it works :-


(And now of course I need to spend some time writing some help files!)

Feb 022015

Undocumented command options … grrr!

Every so often I find that I have a need to put a volume label onto a FAT filesystem – usually so a digital camera SD (or CF) card can be "automatically" mounted (actually they don't mount automatically on my workstation and I like it like that) in the right place. And of course every time I do, I remember that the command to do so is mlabel but I cannot remember exactly how to do it.

Because mlabel (together with the other mtools) has some sort of weird configuration file to turn Unix/Linux paths into drive letters‽ And yes that was an interribang although it could just as well be some other form of punctuation to express disgust instead. As it happens mlabel has an undocumented option to specify a device path … at least it doesn't appear in the usage hints :-

» mlabel -h
Mtools version 4.0.17, dated June 29th, 2011
Usage: mlabel [-vscVn] [-N serial] drive:

It turns out that there is a "-i" option which takes a device path, but you still have to specify the drive as "::" just so things are less likely to go right :-

» mlabel -i /dev/sdi1 ::
 Volume has no label
Enter the new volume label : LEICA1

And there it is!

Dec 222014

This is a series of working notes on the Yubikey which is an interesting device used to supplement passwords to make two-factor authentication easier. It is essentially a hardware security token device that pretends to your computer to be a keyboard and enters a one-time only password that can be used to verify your identity – much like a password, but much more secure.

Well perhaps "easier" only if someone does all the configuration for you, although I am inclined to look a bit deeper into such things for my own amusement. My own key is a Yubikey NEO, but much of what follows also applies to the other Yubikey models.


This is the spot for observations on using the Yubikey over time.

  1. For some reason the Yubikey doesn't always "light up" on my workstation at work. It works fine at home – the green light always turns on ready for a key press – but at work it often seems to flicker and stay out. Not sure what causes this, but it always seems to be persistent when you really need to use it! 


… is to some extent unnecessary, but under Linux there are three bits of software that can be installed to configure additional features of the Yubikey :-

  1. The library:
  2. The command-line tool:
  3. The GUI:

All three build easily from the instructions given. Just make sure to remember to copy the udev rules from yubikey-personalization to /etc/udev/rules.d/ and run udevadm trigger to enable them. This will make sure you can access your yubikey as a console user, so you don't have to become root.

Enabling Linux Authentication

This was all done with a Linux container (LXC), so it could be relatively easily thrown away and restarted. The first step was to install the relevant PAM module :-

# apt-get install libpam-yubico

This pulls in a ton of other required packages.

The next is to grab the unchanging part of your Yubikey token. This is the first 12 characters of what you get when you activate it. Whilst you have it to hand, now would be a good time to create the mapping file – /etc/yubikey-mappings :-

# Yubikey ID mappings
# Format:
#       user-id:yubikey-id:yubikey-id:...
# (But usually only one)

Next step is to add a little something to one of the pam files. For testing (assuming you have console) access, the relevant file might be /etc/pam.d/sshd but once you have things working, /etc/pam.d/common-auth might be a better choice. Right at the top of the file add :-

auth       sufficient debug id=16 authfile=/etc/yubikey-mappings
#       Added for Yubikey authentication.

Because these things always have problems when you first try them, it makes sense to set up the debugging log :-

touch /var/run/pam-debug.log
chmod a+w /var/run/pam-debug.log

At this point, assuming everything works as expected :-

  1. You will be able to authenticate using ssh using either your Yubikey, or your password.
  2. This assumes your server is able to communicate with the Yubi Cloud.

There are further improvements to be made … and we'll get to those shortly.

But That's Not Two-Factor Authentication!

Indeed not, so we'll fix that right now.

Firstly remove the line we previously added to /etc/pam.d/sshd; because of the way that Debian configures pam, it is less disruptive (i.e. fewer changes) to make the change to /etc/pam.d/common-auth :-

auth       requisite id=16 debug authfile=/etc/yubikey-mappings
#       Yubikey configuration added.
auth    [success=1 default=ignore] nullok_secure use_first_pass

But before restarting sshd (you have been doing that haven't you?), you will need to add a Yubikey ID to /etc/yubikey-mappings for the root user.

At this point, you will only be able to authenticate if you enter your username, followed by both your Unix password and activate your Yubikey at the password prompt. Entering both at the same prompt is a little weird especially when you consider that there is no indications anywhere that Yubikey authentication is required.

But we can fix that. First of all, one small change to common-auth – remove the use_first_pass phrase.

Next edit the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config and find the ChallengeResponseAuthentication phrase and set to "Yes" :-

ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes

And after a quick reboot, the log in process works in a sensible way :-

» ssh chagers
Yubikey for `mike': (Press YubiKey)
Password: (Enter Unix password)
Linux chagers 3.14-0.bpo.1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.14.12-1~bpo70+1 (2014-07-13) x86_64

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Last login: Wed Dec 31 15:37:05 2014