Sep 162016

Mention the infamous haggis to most people, and naby will turn pale and need to steady themselves on any conveniently placed furniture at the thought of eating it. But why?

Those very same people will quite happily chomp through a plate of sausages without a thought.

One contains bits of an animal chopped up with a grain, and sealed within another part of an animal, and the other contains bits of an animal chopped up with a grain, and sealed within another part of an animal. Of course both sausages and haggises usually use artificial skins these days, but the point remains – a haggis is just a variation on a theme.

The key difference is the animal choice – haggis is based on sheep, and sausages are based on any animal that isn’t a sheep.

So you could say those people who are horrified by haggis are just anti-mutton, but that turns out not to be the case. Many of those horrified by haggis are quite happy chomping their way through a sheep.

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