Oct 122013

Sometimes people get amused when they see my blog’s tag line (“Grumbles from the Growlery”), because they get the word “growlery” confused with the word “growler”. Just to show this isn’t that sort of blog, I’m going to define it.

It’s a room for growling in; nothing more and nothing less. See “Bleak House” by Charles Dickins which has: “This, you must know, is the growlery. When I am out of humour, I come and growl here.”.

Other definitions come from :-

  1. The Collins dictionary: “a place to retreat to, alone, when ill-humoured”.
  2. The Phrontistery list of unusual words (you have to scroll down): “a retreat for times of ill humour”.

And you can probably find many other definitions yourself.

The Growlery

The Growlery