Feb 222013

The Raspberry PI is a pretty cool device, but it is not the only small cheap computer around, and given that the PI is more hardware hacking orientated I thought I’d dig up some links for some of those other devices. Especially as I’ve got two Arduino projects on the go.

There’s actually a surprising number of devices out there; some running Linux and some running Android. And in a surprising variety of form factors; I’ve avoided looking at the simple boards – the point here is to look at devices that are different :-

  1. The Trim-Slice looks quite an interesting device, but all seems to have gone quiet since March 2012.
  2. The Giada Q11 is a similar device which is about the size of a VCR … or a 3.5″ external hard disk enclosure.
  3. The Cloud Client mini PC is a touch smaller being roughly the size of a double-CD case.
  4. The CuBox is more square than the rest and is roughly the same size as a mains plug.
  5. The Cotton Candy is an ARM in a USB stick; a cheaper option but possibly via Ebay is the U2, although most cheaper options don’t have quite the same features as the Cotton Candy.

This is not to imply that there are not others out there, nor that these are “better” in any way. I’ve not used any of them.