Feb 222007

Wimbledon has just announced that they are giving women in their tennis matches the same prize money as the men, bringing them into line with many other tennis competitions. Sounds good doesn’t it ? Well maybe, but give this a try … this means that the women are actually paid more for each ball they serve than the men!

Why? Well, tennis matches between women are shorter than the ones between men being the best of three sets rather than the best of five sets. So when the prize money is the same, women get a higher rate of pay than the men. Why should women be paid more than men for the same work any more than men be paid more than women for the same work ?

Easy enough to fix. Change the game so that women play the same rules as the men … the shorter game for women was laid down at a time where there were quaint notions of women being too feeble and weak to play the full-length game. There is no excuse for this sort of thinking now, so remove the stupid differences between men’s tennis and women’s tennis to restore some proper equality.

Let’s have equal pay for equal work in tennis.