Apr 022010

News is serious stuff – perhaps a bit too serious. I am all in favour of news – I watch and read a fair bit of it, and I like knowing what is going on in the world. But does it all have to be so serious ? We need a little more like :-


It actually would not be that hard to stick a few more “light” news items into today’s news. Usually news stories take a great deal longer to explain than is really necessary. Once we know that three people have been injured by a raging bull in Pamplona, we do not need much extra explanation – those of us capable of understanding either already know why bulls are likely to injure people in Pamplona or are quite capable of looking up the necessary information. It isn’t necessary to spoon feed us.

Especially when making usual news reports shorter allows us to see a more balanced view of the world. Normal news shows give us the impression that nothing happens “out there” but disaster and catastrophe. There is plenty of that sure, but there is also plenty of plain old boring days happening together with the occasional oddity that could make it to the BBC’s “Odd Box”.

Mar 202010

There are five men and a single woman all dangling from a rope, waiting for someone to rescue them. Unfortunately the rope starts to fray and they all decide that someone has to sacrifice themselves to save the others. After some time discussing who should sacrifice themselves, the woman says that as women are used to sacrificing themselves and that men are the better sex, she will sacrifice herself. The men all applaud her, and an hour later the woman is rescued.

Mildly humorous ?

Now try it the other way around :-

There are five women and a single man all dangling from a rope, waiting for someone to rescue them. Unfortunately the rope starts to fray and they all decide that someone has to sacrifice themselves to save the others. After some time discussing who should sacrifice themselves, the man says that as men are used to sacrificing themselves and that women are the better sex, he will sacrifice herself. The women all applaud her, and an hour later the man is rescued.

Still funny ?

It sometimes seems that it is far more acceptable for men to be portrayed as stupid in jokes than women. Is this fair ? If it is wrong to portray women as stupid in jokes, it is wrong to portray men as stupid too; similarly if it is funny to read about stupid men, then it is funny to read about stupid women.

Oct 162009

For some reason the term ‘wardrobe malfunction’ has come to be used in reference to those little ‘accidents’ that happen to people when their clothing slips to reveal a little more than is conventional. For some peculiar reason this seems to happen more frequently with famous people and even more frequently when cameras are rolling.

However that’s not the reason I’m writing this. Who first coined the phrase ‘wardrobe malfunction’ in reference to incidents of this kind ? Said person needs to be gently informed that a more correct phrase would be ‘clothing malfunction’ seeing as it is the clothes that are causing the problem.

A wardrobe malfunction relates to those tall cupboards that store clothes. A malfunction of one could be one of the following :-

Whilst opening the door, you trip and fall into the wardrobe and get tangled up in the clothes and have to call for your partner to help you get released. Who is out in the garden at the time and doesn’t hear your calls until they come in a few hours later.

Or you pull open the door and the door falls off, lands on your foot to cause you to jump about in pain and to fall backwards down the stairs.

Of course there are those who will say that one of the meanings of “wardrobe” is clothes themselves. Maybe so, but that refers to a collection of clothes. You do not wear a collection unless you want to get hot and sweaty to the point of unconsciousness.